Freak the Mighty
Book Review

January 19, 2017
“Remembering is just an invention of the mind… It means that if you want to, you can remember anything, whether it happened or not… You don’t need a time machine if you can remember.”
― Rodman Philbrick, Freak the Mighty
Freak the Mighty, written by Rodman Philbrick, is an unforgettable story. The book is written from a teenage boys perspective on what being a friend and having a friend is like. In this book Mighty Max, the main character meets “Freak,” also known as Kevin, his new neighbor. Freak has disabilities but is extremely intelligent, Max is tall and strong but isn’t the brightest. They learn how together they make a great team. Freak and Mighty go through many wild adventures and find themselves alone the way. The book is young adult fiction