Strength Training Without the Weights

Lift those (biblical) weights!


Lift! Those! Biblical! Weights!

Isabella Brock, Staff Writer

A certain truth that I have recently come to terms with is this: being a Christian is hard. Often times we put on a face and act as though our lives are in order because we are taught that God is in control. Now, there is much truth to be found in that statement, however, just because God is in control does not mean we will live our lives without trial and tribulations. I am sound in my belief that God puts obstacles in our life to remind us to rely on him, for He is always greater than our ups and downs. It is easy to let man’s whims fill our hearts and to find our happiness in the arbitrary things of this world. Yet, we are always surprised when man fails to fulfill our most basic needs, for he is unable to, as only God can provide us with complete satisfaction with his steadfast love. We forget how great our God is and that He will never let us down.

We live in a fallen world where the devil is constantly ready to prey upon our weak minds and to forge a place in our hearts when we start to question why God is testing us. It is during these fleeting moments of unfaithfulness that we stand on a precipice and are only steps away from completely falling away from God. In our weakest moments, often our minds are clouded and weary. The temptations of distrust are strongest during these time of trial, and it is easy to succumb to our fears.

When we trust and rely on God for our strength, we are able to conquer things with grace and overcome adversity through Him. Then, we are able to turn around and give Him all the glory for helping us overcome the hardships. We can find solace and comfort in knowing that if we fall away from God in an unforgivable moment of doubt, God will have mercy and He will pick us up and give us the strength we need. He will aid us to get back on our feet, with the clear knowledge that this will not be the only time we fall. The love in His heart is exceeding beyond anything we could imagine, to know that no matter how many times we fall away from God, when we search for our strength in the things He created, the Lord will always be there.

Look to His word to guide you during difficulties, for it is the most powerful gateway we have to Him.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength

Psalm 119:28 My soul is wear with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word

Ephesians 6:10 Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power