A handful of middle school students were privileged to take place in Visioneering, a program used to expand students grasp on engineering.
Photo by: Edna Pajela
MCA Middle Schoolers pose for a picture outside SMU during Visioneering.
March 2, 2017
On February 18th, a large handful of MCA sixth, seventh, and eighth graders got a great chance to go to SMU during a school day to take place in Visioneering. Visioneering is a program set up for students in North Texas that helps and benefits students engineering minded and is used to expand engineering concepts through Middle Schoolers. Shane Vanderhagen, eighth grader, said, “It was a great learning experience and it really helped me get a grasp on what I want to do in high school.” Visioneering always takes place during National Engineers week with a main focus and goal to provide a creative and productive problem solving side of engineering. Visionary is as non-profit organization and its sole purpose is to expand students understanding of engineering, the design process, teamwork, presentation, and problem solving skills. Visioneering falls under the STEM field and includes science, technology, engineering, and mathematical training. Visioneering also lets students talk and collaborate with professional engineers giving them a great grasp on how engineering can affect them later down the road in life. Edna Pajela, teacher and advisor, said, “I like visioneering because it makes students think outside the box. It helps them apply what they learned in school and learn to work together in presentation and critical thinking.”