Bastille concert
Bastille comes to DFW.

April 24, 2017
Some of you have heard of the song “Pompeii” or “Good Grief” but Bastille is so much more than those two songs. Two weeks ago Bastille held a concert in Grand Prairie at a small venue. It was AMAZING to say the least! Freshman, Madeline Bohlman quotes “I loved every minute and every hour, of it.” Freshman, Maddie Grace Gywnn said “Bastille really knows how to get you off your feet and have a good time!” The tickets were under $100.00, it was a cheap and great way to spend the end of the weekend. Bastille is from Europe and has made a remarkable splash in the United States. The tour is called “Wild World” and throughout the show the band shows images and clips of how wild our world is. From government control to the news bending our views this gave everyone a new perspective and left the audience thinking how crazy our world can really get.