Lower School Spring Program
Singing through Spring
Photo by: Courtesy Photo
Sky Miller and Kelli Dowell, 5th grade, pray the closing prayer in Down By The Creek Bank.
May 2, 2017
The Lower School Spring Program took place the evening of April 13th, 2017. The night began at 6:30 p.m. with an art display of the students work. The musical portion began at 7:00 p.m. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students performed “Down By The Creek Bank.” The musical is about a group of kids going camping and through songs and interaction, the kids come to know that God made them to be all they can be and welcomes them as His children. The campers realize that they have a special place in God’s creation. By the end of the musical, “they understand that God, through the gift of His Son, Jesus, has done so much more for us all than we can ever repay, and it is our turn to say “Is There Anything I Can Do For You?” while offering ourselves to our Heavenly Father for His divine plan,” said lower school choir teacher, Kathi Bass. The students worked hard preparing lines, solos, and songs and had a “great feeling of fun and accomplishment,” said Bass.