New phone extensions at MCA


Michael McIntyre, Technical Advisor

In eager expectation of the opening of our new Upper School, and with thoughts on the future growth of MCA, the technology department was required to make several changes to our phone system.  This includes, renumbering our phone extensions.  If you need to contact an administrative staff member, please refer to the chart below.  Please note, however, we do not publish phone extensions for our teachers in order to prevent disruptions in the classroom.  If you need to contact a teacher, please call the corresponding school’s administrative assistant.

Administrative Staff Extensions Direct Lines
Ballestro, Kris (Accounts Payable) ext. 1302 MCA Spirit Shop (214) 504-7201
Bristol, Maria (Business Manager) ext. 1307 Head of School (214) 504-7221
Buchanan, Amy (LS Receptionist) ext. 1601 Development Office (214) 504-7222
Chastain, Karen (Librarian) ext. 1527 Business Office (214) 504-7223
Collins, Judy (Athletic Director) ext. 1711 HR Office (214) 504-7224
Collum, Jeannette (Accounts Receivable) ext. 1305 Directed Studies (214) 504-7225
Dooley, Beverly (Dir. of Directed Studies) ext. 1106 US Administrative Assistant (214) 504-7226
Dossey, Tabi (Spirit Shop Coordinator) ext. 1716 MS Administrative Assistant (214) 504-7227
Doyle, April (Graphic Designer) ext. 1312 Facilities Office (214) 504-7228
Erger, Robert (Technology Director) ext. 1520 Athletic Director (214) 504-7229
Etheredge, David (MS Principal) ext. 1526 Assoc. Athletic Director (214) 504-7230
Gerdes, Angie (Asst. to Admissions & Registrar) ext. 1105 Technology Department (214) 504-7231
Gibson, Connie (Development Dept. Manager) ext. 1313 LS Administrative Assistant (214) 504-7232
Gray, Chance (Assoc. Athletic Director) ext. 1713 Director of Spiritual Life (214) 504-7233
Groff, Amy (LS Principal’s Assistant) ext. 1602 Licensed Professional Counselor (214) 504-7234
Grubbs, Kristi (ESS Coordinator) ext. 1645 Admissions Office (214) 504-7235
Technology HelpDesk ext. 1999 Registrar’s Office (214) 504-7236
Hydock, Chris (LS Principal) ext. 1604 Library (214) 504-7237
Lovelady, Bob (Head of School) ext. 1321
Martin, Erin (Event Coordinator) ext. 1311
Mayberry, Elaine (Admissions Director) ext. 1104
McClain, Shirley (US Principal’s Assistant) ext. 1101
McIntyre, Michael (Asst. to Technology Director) ext. 1521
Nurse’s Office ext. 1603
Ownby, Carol  (Advancement Consultant) ext. 1310
Perry, Kate (Student Registrar) ext. 1108
Postelle, Trey (Dir. of Spiritual Life) ext. 1110
Ray, Lori (Dir. of Human Resources) ext. 1304
Sanchez, Guadalupe (Facilities Manager) ext. 1308
Spirit Shop ext. 1618
Smith, Laura (US Principal) ext. 1113
Steenburg, Tina (Business Office Assistant) ext. 1303
Utzig, Mary (DS Administrative Assistant) ext. 1519
Vita, Chandra (MS Principal’s Assistant) ext. 1506
Woodruff, John (Licensed Prof. Counselor) ext. 1111