Middle School Move
From Portable to Permanent MCA Middle School Moves to the Quad.
Photo by: Michael McIntyre
Panoramic of the new Middle School Quad. Teachers and students both enjoy the open space and trees.
August 29, 2017
MCA Middle School students and teachers alike have finally received what they’ve been waiting for- a permanent place to learn. As MCA has grown, the Middle School has relocated several times. Before 2012, Middle School students were split between the old portables and the Quad: sixth graders were still considered members of Lower School, while seventh and eighth graders found their home in the current Middle School. Upon the arrival of the Deck’s extension, the Middle School was moved. For the past five school years, preteens have learned and experienced life in that space.
However, the Deck presented a slew of inconveniences: it was too small for MCA’s growing student body, it was a long walk from the restrooms, and the bottleneck at the exits was an issue for Lower School and Upper School students on their way to lessons. For a year or two, there was no solution for these problems. MCA felt blessed with what it had been given, but still sought to improve campus life and efficiency.
The answer was found in the Brick By Brick Campaign.
The new Upper School was designed and built over a three year period, and this school year marks the building’s debut. Upper School students may be excited about their new learning space, but the Middle School students and teachers are equally pleased with their new classrooms and courtyard. Mrs. Clark, sixth and seventh grade teacher, says, “Students and teachers alike are enjoying the open-air quad with trees and picnic tables.”
People are thrilled with the newness of the Quad, but there are other reasons that owe to the hype. David Tucker, Middle School Bible and history teacher says, “We’re really enjoying the extra elbow room. There is room to grow too. I personally hear from several parents how they love the new Quad’s atmosphere. They feel it establishes a stronger sense of community for the Middle School, not to mention enclosed protection.”
All around, the MCA Middle School’s move to the old Upper School is advantageous. Students are glad to be in a more natural space, and its fenced-in design sets parents at ease.