Space Day
First and Third Grade

Photo by: Averi Blakely
The Third Grade student pulled the First Grade student around in a revolution
October 13, 2017
Space Day is an annual event where third grade hosts the first grade. It is located in the circle behind the SLC. There are eight circles painted in the grass which represent each planet’s orbit. This day corresponds with third grade’s curriculum on the solar system. Space Day allows the third grade students to put their knowledge to the test, as they make each planet’s orbits. The students are put into groups and they rotate through the different “Space Stations.” As students make their way to different stations they get to sample space food and make a paper rocket which they get to launch with a straw. After they complete each station, the human solar system takes place. Here, the students are given nine wagons, each wagon represents a planet in solar system. The third graders pull the first graders in the wagons. As the students complete each orbit, they create a drawing of what it would look like in space. To conclude Space Day, the company, “High Tech High Touch” comes in and teaches a space class. Finally, Mr. Jackson, or “Rocket Man” brings his rockets to launch for the students. After a long day outside celebrating another successful Space Day, students enjoy “Dippin’ Dots.” Space Day is not only a day of fun but it also provides the first and third grade students with a hands-on activity to fully grasp the concept of space.