Uniform Donations, Lost & Found, and Labeling Reminder
Re-Sale Shop needs your help.
Photo by: Tara Ackmann
Re-sale shop is looking for donations
November 2, 2017
Donations, Lost & Found, and Labeling Reminder
As fall approaches, the one thing we hear the most is ‘My child lost a jacket/sweater/hoodie. Did you sell it?’
We all understand that our littles are not great at remembering items and let’s face it – one of the downsides to uniforms is that everyone’s jacket is the same style. Here are a couple of tips to prevent lost items as well as what we do with items that are brought in.
Labeling your outerwear
If you have a hoodie or sweatshirt, consider getting a laundry safe/waterproof label. There are lots of labels out there (check out sites like www.namebubbles.com). Also, try to find a tag inside the shirt and write your child’s first and last name on it.
If you have a newly purchased fleece, apex, or zip up hoodie that has some space on the front of it, consider getting it embroidered. Kim Jensen (MCA Teacher) in the Kindergarten class will do embroidery for a very reasonable price for you!
Lost and Found
Please remember that there is a lost and found in the Student Life Center (SLC). If you look for the boys/girls dressing rooms, there are two areas right beyond the curtains before you get into the dressing rooms where clothing items are dropped off that are lost & found. The re-sale shop DOES NOT pick up items from here to sell.
If you need assistance looking through the bin for an opposite sex, please find someone to assist you in the SLC. There are typically lots of folks around. Do not enter a curtained off area of the opposite sex.
Resale Donations
There is a donation box for re-sale items in the Lower School office. We check this box three times a week. If you have an item that got dropped in there, we make every attempt to look for names for outerwear and make phone calls to ensure it’s not a lost item first. However, if we are unable to reach you after a couple of attempts, we will place the item for sale. Please make sure to check this box often for lost & found items just in the event it gets dropped in here by accident!
If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Urban.