Arkansas Mission Trip 2018

Making an Impact

Photo by: Kade Stephens

Taking a break from playing basketball, juniors Sam Utzig, Kara VIta, and Scout Mayberry smile with a few of the girls from the Dream Center.

Juliana Roller, Campus Editor

Every year a group of juniors and seniors travel to Little Rock, Arkansas to spend a week volunteering at the Arkansas Dream Center. After a five and a half hour drive, the students finally arrived and got to immediately head to the Dream Center to hang out with the kids. “The kids at the Dream Center are so loving and kind. I love getting to spend time with them and see all of their fun and sweet personalities,” said Senior, Madison Yates. The next few days they spent the morning painting the entire inside and outside of the new location in North Little Rock: an old elementary school they had purchased and were renovating. In the afternoon, after the kids were finished with school, they would head over to the Dream Center. The MCA students would then spend quality time with the kids by throwing a ball, shooting hoops, sitting and chatting, and loving on them. After playtime, they would help the kids on their homework and then have a life lesson with them. Senior, Evan Gerdes, commented about his second time volunteering in Arkansas, saying, “I would say that my experience at the Dream Center put me in awe of those kids. They are so much worse off than us and yet they are always glowing with joy and innocence. Getting to hang out with them was a blast.” This week was impacting and life-changing not only for the kids at the Dream Center, but also for the students at MCA.