Senior Spotlight
Josh Gutshclag and Davis Madole
Photo by: courtesy photo
These seniors, Davis Madole and Josh Gutschlag, are featured in this week’s Senior Spotlight.
April 19, 2018
This week’s Senior Spotlight features Josh Gutschlag and Davis Madole.
Josh Gutschlag came to McKinney Christian Academy in the first grade. During high school, Gutschlag has participated in Varsity Baseball and Band. He enjoys spending her free time doing Cheney homework, sleeping, or in Rocket League. He will be attending Texas A&M University to study engineering and architecture. His favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 6:6-8.
Davis Madole came to MCA at the start if his Junior year. During his high school years, Madole has enjoyed playing Varsity Football, Varsity Wrestling, and starting Kaiju Club. Outside of school, he enjoys working out, eating, and running his YouTube channel where he talks about Japanese monster movies. He will be attending Austin College to play football and study Film and East Asia. His favorite Bible verse is Psalms 144:1.