Stay Engaged
It is important to not grow weary as the school year winds down.
Photo by: Unknown
April 19, 2018
At this point in the school year, it is so easy to develop the mindset of focusing on the next chapter. For seniors, graduation is at the top of the list. Juniors just want to be seniors, and sophomores are ready to be upperclassmen. Freshmen are just excited to become something other than freshmen. However, this mindset is incorrect, and it is very dangerous to develop. Romans 12:12 says
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”
This verse directly talks about being patient in trials. Now, I am not saying that school is an affliction. However, what I am saying is that when circumstances are growing tiresome and we want to just ‘get it over with,’ it is important to continue being patient and trusting in God. We trust that He has a purpose and plans for us even in the last few weeks of school. Even when things are finally winding down and we feel like we are close to new, more exciting adventures.
My prayer for these next and last few weeks of school is that I, along with everyone else, would not immediately write them off as a waste of time, or even “crunch time” where I work tirelessly on my grades and school work. My prayer is that we understand that these next few weeks can be used to glorify God by reaching out to people that we haven’t talked to all year or by strengthening friendships before we part our separate ways for the summer.