Upper School Play: Much To Do About Nothing
The Upper School Drama classes put on this years production of Much To Do About Nothing.
Photo by: Shelby Jenkins
Senior, Abigail Gordon and Sophomore, Seth Pugh played Beatrice and Benedict
May 7, 2018
The Upper School Drama I and II classes put on a performance of Much To Do About Nothing with two showings. The first was on Thursday, April 24th and the second on Friday, April 25th. The students did an amazing job of recreating this comedy, originally written by William Shakespeare. The student’s family and peers came to watch and cheer on the students that put on this show. This years play was held in the MCA Drama room so that the actors could interact with the crowd more easily, resulting in a hilarious production that everyone enjoyed. The set was constructed entirely by the Drama and Technical Theatre classes. Sophomore Seth Pugh, who played the part of Benedict, says:
“The play was very fun to perform and we enjoyed preparing for it. I am very thankful for everyone who came out to see it and support our drama class and tech crew. I believe that this was the best production that we have put on and I am very proud of how it all turned out.”

Sophomores Jer Gross and Maddie Grace Gwynn portray two people who fall helplessly in love in the modern adaptation of Much To Do About Nothing.