2019 Little Stangs Winter Cheer Clinic
Photo by: Paige Brister
Varsity Cheer Squad teaching the new cheer to the 2nd through 5th graders.
January 23, 2019
This past Saturday, MCA varsity and Middle School cheer held the Winter Lil Stangs clinic. Kindergarten and first grade girls were instructed by the Middle School squad, and second through fifth graders were instructed by the varsity squad. All the cheerleaders were taught a dance and a cheer created by Varsity captain and co-captain, seniors Kristen Daniels and Madison Fitzgerald. The girls were also taught classic sideline cheers such as, “Fired Up”, “Power to the Hour”, and “Blow You Away.” At the end of the clinic, family members of the girls were invited to watch their Lil Stang perform all they had learned. The Lil Stangs Cheer team will perform along with the varsity and Middle School Squads this Friday at the pep rally. Friday night, Kindergarten and first grade Little Stangs will perform at the JV boys game and the second through fifth grade with perform at the girls varsity game.