January is here, which means Winter Formal is right around the corner. Many students have started asking other students to be their date to the dance on January 26. Winter Formal is a dance where the girls ask the guys, instead of guys asking girls like at homecoming and prom. Here are a few examples of the proposals so far.
Junior Waverly Frisbie asked Junior Dustin Rogers before basketball practice.Junior Campbell Martin asked Junior Greyson Davidson at his house.A group of Junior girls surprised a group of Junior guys at a bonfire.Freshman Charli Bazor asked Freshman Jay Wheeler on Friday at lunch.Freshman Lizzie Smith asked Freshman Jake Atherton one day after school.Sophomore Annie Weichel asked Junior Sam Harrell one Sunday after church.Junior Meg Boone asked Junior Aaron Phillips before physics class one day.Junior Emma Bryant asked Senior Hayden Clow over Christmas Break.Senior Emma Thompson asked Junior Ford Dossey one night at her house.Junior Jolie Clow asked Junior Matthew Smith at the Allen Outlet mall.Junior Maddie Grace surprised Junior Seth Pugh one day after school at Sonic.Senior Scout Mayberry asked Senior Rex Collins Friday before school.Sophomore Trinity Souther asked Sophomore Hayden Faulkner with homemade cinnamon rolls.Junior Meredith Pogue asked Senior Sam Utzig one afternoon with her dogs.Freshman Angelina Barrow surprised Freshman Will Penney one day before school.Sophomore Truett Rothrock asked Junior Will Boese one night at Whataburger.
Annie Weichel joined MCA for her freshman year of high school, and is currently a senior (class of 2021). This is her third year of being in newspaper,...