Tee It Up Golf Tournament Raises Money for MCA and Community Lifeline Center
Photo by: Allie Smith
Steve Powell, Scott Powell, and Chris Estep and MCA Headmaster Bob Lovelady stop golfing to pose for a picture.
April 23, 2019

Every year McKinney Christian Academy hosts the “Tee It Up” golf tournament. The tournament is a fundraiser to raise money for the school and MCA’s partners. This year, MCA will give a portion of the proceeds to the Community Lifeline Center. The “Tee It Up” golf tournament was held on April 8, 2019, at TPC Craig Ranch in McKinney. Teacher volunteer for the tournament Mike Tucker said, “It’s a perfect day for golf. It’s sunny with a slight breeze today.” Check-in began at 10 o’clock a.m, then the shotgun start began at 11:30 a.m. There were 17 teams attending the tournament. The golfers got into golf carts and went to their assigned hole and began golfing. The tournament was expected to last several hours. They were offered lunch, snacks, and drinks throughout the day. Every team finished golfing around 5 o’clock p.m. When all the golfers had gone through every hole, they headed back up to the TPC Clubhouse. The teams were split into three divisions, the teams in each division were competing against each other. When all golfers finished, they put their raffle tickets in the raffle boxes and began to eat dinner. Then the event organizers announced the winners. Members of MCA staff who won first place in their division were Tyler Blue, Robert Erger, David Etheredge, and Collin Rabbia (husband to Liz Rabbia). The big raffle prize was Dunrite HVAC Services and Trane Heating and Air which was won by Manda Strong. There were also smaller contests such as the longest drive which was won by Liam Logan and closest to the pin contest, won by Chris Castloo. There was an air cannon to shoot a golf ball and raise funds, and the team that won most funds went to Mike Crise’s team. The event ended around 6:30 p.m. Development Office coordinator, Connie Gibson said, “Overall a good time was had by all”. This years tournament was very successful and ran smoothly.