MCA Resale Shop Sends Uniforms to Kenya

Photo by: courtesy photo

Kristin Urban stands beside some of the 400 pounds of clothing that were donated from MCA.

Sam Harrell, sports editor

Every year, the MCA Resale Shop donates clothes to the MCA abroad and local mission teams. These clothes always have a huge impact on the communities and schools they are sent to. This year, the MCA Resale Shop donated hundreds of pairs of clothes, yet they still had more left over. These extra clothes were not put to waste. Kristin Urban, Resale Shop Coordinator, has been in contact with Christian missionaries in Kenya and saw that they were in need of clothes. Jeff and Stephanie Bys live in Bungoma, Kenya with their eight children, and open their home to orphans, widows, the sick, and many “street boys.” Many of the children from the street come addicted to alcohol and suffer from extreme starvation. Along with the family opening up their house to others, they are currently opening up a school called Mercy Christian Academy, which means the logo from MCA fits with the school currently being built (though teaching is actively happening without a building). The school is currently K-5, but they want to extend up to 12th grade. This school was ready to provide food and education for all of its students, but they needed uniforms. MCA saw a need and they responded by donating their uniforms. Urban responded to this by saying, “This process is truly the Lord’s hand in orchestrating and fulfilling this need.” These higher quality uniforms will be great for the students, especially because the Kenyan Government requires high-quality school wear. This donation will greatly impact the students and founders of Mercy Christian Academy allowing the school funds to be directed towards other needs such as medical care, food, and better education.

If you want to find out more about Mercy Christian Academy or this mission group, please go to  If you wish to donate clothes to the Resale Shop, please drop them by the Lower School Office or the Resale Shop located in Room 503 next to the Spirit Shop.  Clothes that are able to resale will be used for MCA children and clothing that cannot be sold are always donated to mission groups, like Mercy Christian Academy.  Please contact with any further questions on the Resale Shop or if you would like to ask questions about this ministry, please reach out to Jeff Bys at

Photo by: courtesy photo
Students from Mercy Christian Academy proudly hold up their new school supplies.