Maliq Brock: State Champion By Day, Theatre Star By Night


Sarah Suastegui, Staff Writer

Photo by: Tim Brock                                                    Maliq Brock after he won the 400m at the TAPPS 5A State Championships.

Sophomore Maliq Brock is a star not only on the stage but also on the track. Last week Brock performed in the Upper School production of “Peter and the StarCatcher” and played Peter Pan, one of the lead roles. After a long week of countless rehearsals and two evening performances on Thursday and Friday, his week was not over yet. Early the next morning Brock headed to Waco to compete in the TAPPS state track meet at Midway High School. Brock ran the 400-meter dash and placed 1st in the 5A division with a time of 50.07s. Drama teacher, Julie Tucker stated, “I’m really proud of Maliq and his hard work and dedication to both of his fields of expertise, he never backed off in preparation for either one. He went from rehearsal to track practice and track practice to rehearsal and gave his one hundred and ten percent every time. To see this amount of hard work and dedication from a sophomore is amazing.”