Rotary Club
Seniors Scout Mayberry and Graham Kraft were selected to represent MCA at the Rotary Club.

Photo by: Laura Smith
Seniors Graham Kraft and Scout Mayberry are honored at the McKinney Rotary Club spring meeting.
May 20, 2019
In the Fall of 2018, seniors Elyse Mead and Syler Gabel were chosen as McKinney Christian’s honorary students in the Rotary Club. In the Spring of 2019, seniors Scout Mayberry and Graham Kraft were the newest students that were selected. The McKinney Rotary Club honored these two MCA students for their service, leadership, business skills, and academic excellence. This is a huge honor and while in the Rotary Club, they were recognized by important leaders all throughout McKinney. Kraft describes his time at the Rotary Club saying, “It was cool being recognized by a lot of important people in McKinney and I got to learn about other outstanding students in McKinney as well.” It was amazing being given the opportunity to interview these accomplished seniors.
1 Timothy 4:8 says, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”