Upper School Retreat 2019

Stang Station

Photo by: Laura Smith

Class of 2020 gathers for a photo before leaving at the end of retreat.

Annie Weichel, staff writer

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  • Class of 2020 gathers for a photo before leaving at the end of retreat.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Counselor John Woodruff speaking to the students about the desires of our hearts.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Upper School teacher Jamie Orozco provided the students many valuable tools to aid them in their vision for the future.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Upper School Bible teacher John McGinn shared a meaningful testimony and biblical talk to the students.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Seniors participated in team building activities on their day alone including Archery Tag.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • During free time many students participated in sand volleyball despite the hot temperatures.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Sophomore Carson Lee climbs the rockwall with one of his friends during free time.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • During free time students also participated in 9 square.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Annabelle Tenhoor decided to climb the rockwall during her free time.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Junior Alyssa Ballestro walks across the stage while performing in the skit with her small group.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • One small group decided to sing the fight song at the end of their skit together.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Waverly Frisbee and junior Connor Durbin acting like their in a car during their skit performance.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Small group performing their skit the morning before leaving retreat.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Students performed a skit with their small group imitating siri.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Juniors Cole Wilkinson and Jacob Finke performing their skit as professional Tik Tok makers.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Harrison Bailey going up to block the ball in their sand volleyball game.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Joy Celyna and teacher Mrs. Tucker laughing while students play a game together.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Lauren Jones and teacher Dr. Deboard laughing while cooling off in the shade during free time.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Seth Pugh played his role on stage during his small groups skit.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Thursday night the students worshiped with one another while the band led.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior class celebrates the win of a game played at retreat.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Senior Caleb Bryant and Junior Maliq Brock battle to try and win the game.

    Photo by: Laura Smith
  • Students battling one another in a competitive game of sand volleyball.

    Photo by: Laura Smith

Since 2016, the McKinney Christian Academy Upper School has participated in a trip to Riverbend Retreat Center to kick off the new school year. Retreat is a time for students to grow closer to one another as well as diving deeper into their relationships with Christ. The theme this year is “What Does the Bible Say” examining how the theme applies to individual lives, student body, and how students interact in our communities.

Wednesday, August 14, the senior class of 2020 traveled down to the retreat center a day earlier than the rest of the Upper School. The senior retreat is a chance for the class to start their last year of high school with time alone to go closer to one another and create a stronger bond. Senior Maura Cueva says, “Retreat was a lot of fun. Senior night was great because it allowed our grade to grow closer together. I’m excited to see what this year brings us.” Although the seniors have an extra day, retreat is a time for all grades to become closer to one another. Junior, Patriot Butler, “Retreat this year was one to remember. I had a lot of fun making the skits and getting to hang out with my friends.” After the rest of the students arrived Thursday, students were given two and a half hours of free time where they could participate in certain activities provided by Riverbend. Whether it was beach volleyball, archery tag or playing basketball on the courts everyone found something to do. Junior Blake McGraw, attended retreat for the first time this year said, “The best part was whooping the teachers in volleyball.”

Even though retreat is a time to grow closer as a school and with your class, it is also a time to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ. Senior Will Boese says, “Well it was a mountain top experience for me and it was so cool to see how God worked through people to further his kingdom. It was truly a humbling retreat and I am so glad that I was able to be a part of it.” Guest worship leaders from Christ Redeemer Church led the students through worship before Pastor Trey Postelle preached about the view in which we look at the world and the impact it has on us. Overall, retreat is a time to grow closer to one another while being able to escape the daily demands of everyday life.