Going Lala for Gaga
Photo by: Sharon Boese
Senior, Will Boese poses in front of his gaga pit after a long day of building it.
September 24, 2019
Senior Will Boese recently made a contribution to MCA by donating and making a gaga pit for the school. He came across this project due to the fact that he had to complete a final objective in receiving his promotion to an Eagle Scout for the Boy Scouts of America organization. The Eagle Scout Service Project consists of a member of the BSA program having to complete a project for any “religious institution, school, or his community.” Boese decided to bless his school by constructing this gaga pit, and it has already found use by many of the MCA students. It is built outside the Upper School, in the lawn, and it overlooks the cross in the circle. This gaga pit has been a blessing to MCA and when Boese was asked why he built it for MCA he said, “I didn’t just build it for the project, but it’s actually really cool when I can see all the kids using it. I hope that some high school students will get the right idea and challenge each other to a match.” Many days of planning and a long day of hard work has led to a gaga pit that will hopefully last for many years to come.