See You At The Pole

Photo by: Josie Allen
Lower School students standing around the three flags
September 26, 2019
“See You at the Pole” is a devotional in the morning led by Campus Pastor Trey Postelle, which took place on September 25, 2019. Upper School and Middle School met at the cross from 7:15 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Postelle led the event and had the students split into groups to pray for missionaries, world leaders, family matters, and sickness. After a few minutes of group prayer, Postelle prayed over all the students, the school, and the faculty. For Lower School “See You at the Pole” took place from 7:55 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. The kids, faculty and parents went to the front of the Middle School where the American, Texas, and MCA flags flew. Everyone stood around the three flags while Lower School Honor Choir sang the national anthem, and then students took turns to pray for specific subjects. Fifth grader Luke McAnally said, “I prayed for other students in other countries who were also praying with us.” After the students prayed, Lower School principal, Chris Hydock, closed the event with a prayer. “See You at the Pole” is an opportunity for the school to come together in prayer and MCA is grateful to have the opportunity to participate in this event.

Lower School students praying at “See You at the Pole” in the morning.

Lower School students at “See You at the Pole” singing the National Anthem

Lower School students praying at “See You at the Pole”