MCA Family’s Favorite Christmas Traditions
Photo by: Scott Roller
The Roller family, David (8), alumni Juliana and Jonathan Roller(11) celebrate the holiday season in New York.
December 15, 2019
As this semester comes to an end, the Christmas season is right around the corner. Each MCA family has their own way to celebrate the holiday season. Some go out of town to see family, some attend Christmas shows, and some cook a big feast for family.
After interviewing many students, a variety of traditions came to light. Makenna Clark, Second grader, said this about her favorite tradition, “Every Christmas Eve, we get together with all of our family and eat a Christmas dinner. Then, we come home and my mom reads ” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” to us before we go to sleep.” This is very different from Blake Cheatham’s, kindergartener, favorite tradition, “my favorite is when my elves come in for Christmas.” After asking a few Middle Schoolers for their favorite tradition, the answers got more similar. 8th grader, Lauren Etheredge said, “My favorite Christmas tradition is matching pajamas with my sister.” David Roller, 8th grader, said his favorite tradition is, “Spending time with my family on Christmas morning.” The Upper Schoolers had different ideas for their favorite traditions. When junior, Cooper Roach, was asked about his favorite Christmas tradition, he replied, “My family enjoys hiding certain ornaments throughout the tree and having a competition to find them.” This tradition was somewhat similar to, sophomore, Carson Lee’s favorite tradition. Lee said, “My favorite Christmas tradition is when my parents, the night before Christmas, put a pickle in the tree and I’d have to race my brother to find it.” Everyone has different traditions that they look forward to every year. This season, once finals are over, MCA families can enjoy their traditions together.