Ways to Pass Time During Lockdown

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With schools being closed for the time being, students are having to think of ways to manage their time.
March 30, 2020
Amid school shutdowns due to coronavirus, people have had to become creative in the ways that they spend their free time. As most would imagine, TV watching has gone up due to the unexpected amounts of free time that people are having. But also, crafts and house projects are seeing a rise in popularity as people finally have the time to complete those long-awaited projects they had never got around too. As it pertains to school, students now have more leniency in their school schedule. This allows students to better structure their school day to which time is best for them. Video chatting apps have seen a rise in use since lockdowns took place over most states in America. They are seeing use not only for school purposes but also for recreational purposes such as chatting with friends and family. With the many awful effects of Coronavirus taking place, people are looking for things to keep normality in their everyday lives and these are a few things that have done that.