Dominican Republic – “Alabaré a Mi Señor:”
Photo by: courtesy photo
The DR mission team with the church community saying their goodbyes on the last night.
April 3, 2020
At the ripe hour of 2 am, the DR team wandered onto a bus destined for DFW airport, with minds flooded primarily with anticipation and coffee. This caffeine high would carry them through a long day of travel until, finally landing in Santo Domingo of the Dominican Republic, where they drove the final leg of the trip to Monte Plata. The blazing weather and accumulated fatigue may have shocked them upon arrival, but such cares would soon be left behind in the wake of what the Lord had in store.
Robb and Lisa Temple, the sponsors of the trip, founded Good Father Ministries with a mission to “serve and offer hope and the love of Jesus Christ” to a particular group of Haitian Villagers that the Lord had placed on their hearts. With this mission imparted upon the team, the months preceding the trip were spent in preparation to humbly and effectively convey Christ’s love in their short time overseas.
With the exception of one unintended oversleep, the days were predominately action-packed from the get-go. Most of the time would be spent at or around the church building centered in the community. This location not only granted the opportunity to participate in their Sunday service, but also functioned as the epicenter for the skits, games, and medical clinic that would occur throughout the week. In addition to their time in the community, they were also provided the chance to travel to Santo Domingo where they would spend a day with a school connected with Good Father Ministries. Students from McKinney Christian spent time connecting with local students through crafts, devotions, and a volleyball clinic put on by MCA’s very own Coach Ackmann. Each night when the sun had set and the team sat circular at the place of stay, they shared an awesome time of worship, reflection, and devotion as they celebrated God’s work.
When asked about highlights of the trip, anyone privileged to have gone would without a doubt mention the unique and precious time spent with the kids in the community. Whether kicking a soccer ball, performing piggyback races, or swimming for hours on end, the smiles on each team member’s face reflected the joy in their hearts as they both received and overflowed the love of Christ. Throughout the Dominican, there is a song called “Alabaré a Mi Señor” that can be heard from churches and homes lifting up the theme of universal praise. As they have—for the time being—left the Dominican, the team carries home the truth found within these words. Thinking of the days there, they can be reminded of the power and beauty of the Gospel; a message that carries the same power at home as it does in the Dominican. With the lessons and experiences that God has granted, they can continue to turn back to him in worship alongside brothers and sisters in the Dominican. “Alabaré a Mi Señor:” I will praise my Lord.