McKinney Christian Academy Takes Advantage of Online Learning Resources


Photo by: Mer Pogue

A group of senior girls catching up over a zoom call.

Annie Weichel, sports editor

As most may know recently there have been restrictions placed upon school districts around the nation concerning COVID-19. Since these restrictions have been put in place, teachers and students have had to adapt to at-home learning. McKinney Christian Academy has incorporated a temporary online learning system that students follow in their own homes. Many resources are available to students and teachers including LMS, Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and many others. “I think the best way is trying to use the same things we have been using, like LMS and Google, but just using them a little more,” 9th and 10th grade English teacher Tyler Blue said. “I think this allows the students to avoid the added pressure of learning something new.”

Even though at-home learning provides students with a way to keep learning new material amid the COVID-19 crisis, it differs from the traditional classroom setting. Although teachers and students have platforms like Zoom to engage with each other it does not create the same environment face to face interactions does. Upcoming AP exams have been altered due to the restrictions placed upon everyone. Now the exams will take place online and will only last 45 minutes. Many students have found that the transition was an enormous change both academically as well as socially. Junior Truett Rothrock comments on the social change for her saying, “It’s been difficult to keep up with everyone because I have not been able to leave my house to do anything. I also miss being able to see my friends at school everyday.”

Regardless of all the regulations in place, MCA has tried to make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved. “The transition falls somewhere in the middle of easy to difficult.  In the beginning, two weeks ago, it seemed overwhelming to move from the classroom to completely online teaching,” 11th grade History and 12th grade Econ teacher Laurie Hubert said, “Over the last two weeks much has been learned with technology and timing of assignments and the transition to presenting information has become easier; but, one part of the big picture has not gotten easier and that is the relational component of teaching.  I know I, as a teacher, miss my students and my daily interactions with them.” Hubert gives a word of encouragement to all the students and teachers saying, “If I could encourage faculty and students, I would remind everyone of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 which states that we are to encourage one another and build each other up.  I want to thank my students for the encouragement that you have sent to me. There is a time and a season for everything and with our Faith in God, we will come out on the other side of this time, stronger for what we have experienced.”