Lily Jornod, the Aspiring Videographer
Photo by: Lily Jornod
Lily Jornod spends her time taking photos while school is out.
April 17, 2020
Freshman, Lily Jornod, is an aspiring videographer. She has been making videos for about a year and a half now. Her hobby was inspired by her desire to make fun videos with her friends and family. Over time, as she spent more and more time making videos, Jornod decided to make a YouTube channel to post the videos to showcase her hardwork. Jornod began posting fun travel videos to show the places she went with her family. After taking a break from dance due to a medical condition, Jornod reached a crossroads, ultimately deciding to spend more time focusing on videography. Due to her newfound devotion, Jornod’s videos started getting more and more attention and companies began to email her, asking if she could create and edit product videos and bios for them. Since then, Jornod has been working with real estate agents, filming virtual walkthrough tours of houses. She has also been approached by many small businesses including car dealerships, lawyers and architects to create promotional videos for them.
Jornod is very thankful for all the opportunities she has been approached with. She says the most special video she had ever created was the one for the freshman Costa Rica mission trip. Jornod had approached MCA teacher, Edna Pajela, who was in charge of the trip, and asked if she could make a video about the mission trip. Pajela agreed and Jornod was thrilled to be able to have the chance to make such an important video. “When I got approached to do these videos I was shocked and realized how far you can get if you are really passionate about something,” she said. Jornod’s passion for videography has proved to become more and more successful as she continues creating videos.
Check out Lily’s website:
and Youtube channel:

Lily Jornod flies her drone on the Vail Mountain in Colorado.