Senior Spotlight: Emma Bryant & Grant Bailey

Photo by: Courtesy

Senior Grant Bailey is on the left and senior Emma Bryant is on the right.

Annie Weichel, sports editor

This weeks senior spotlight is Emma Bryant and Grant Bailey.

Emma Bryant has attended McKinney Christian Academy since the sixth grade. Within her time at MCA, she has been involved in soccer, volleyball, choir, and drama. Outside of school in her free time, Bryant enjoys playing piano, hanging out with her friends, and listening to music. After high school, Bryant plans to attend Samford University and study Health Science in hopes to become a Physician Assistant. Her favorite MCA memory is the table they sat at in physics class and Colonel Bellue. A fun fact about Emma Bryant is that every time someone says the word “yawn” she yawns.

Grant Bailey has attended McKinney Christian Academy for the past nine years. At MCA, he has been involved in basketball, cross country, track, soccer, NHS, and Mu Alpha Theta. In his free time outside of school, he enjoys working out, being outdoors, and hanging out with his friends. Post high school, Bailey plans on attending Texas A&M University and studying Health Sciences. His favorite MCA memory is traveling to the state meet with the cross country team and getting to spend time with his teammates. A fun fact about Grant Bailey is that he loves to cook and makes multiple meals a week.