A Final Farewell
Photo by: courtesy photo
Senior Editor in Chief Lauren Rose says her final farewell.
May 15, 2020
Man who would have thought we would actually make it here, the final moments of school. No one would have ever guessed that we would finish the school year this way, but here we are. I am incredibly proud to be apart of the class of 2020, for all that we have been through this semester, I am left with an example of what sheer resilience looks like. I think we all can take away something from each other, you all have taught me to embrace our situation and make it something we will never forget and you have shown me what it tangibly looks like to seize the day and soak in every moment. For the incoming seniors, I encourage you to take every moment captive because you will never get those experiences back, and one day that’s all you want is to go back and do it all over again. As I leave the Mane Edition and MCA, I hope I was able to touch hearts and lives in a new light, with honesty and compassion. This year by no means has been easy for me, but I hope this outlet was able to capture a glimpse of my heart for MCA and the people here. Students, your teachers love you so much, more than you know, so let them share their wisdom with you and their love with you because they have so much to give, and you have so much to learn. They are patient day in and day out even when they don’t have to be, and I ask that you show them love and respect as you continue on throughout high school. Teachers, thank you. I know I have said it before but I want to reiterate it. Thank you for your love, grace, and joy as we sit in your classrooms, engage in conversations with you, and navigate this crazy journey of high school. I am more than excited to see how God is going to use this place for his glory, and it has been my absolute honor to serve the people here through the Mane Edition. I am ready to experience new people and new places, but I am not ready to say goodbye to a place I have called home and family for the past four years. Thank you MCA family for the grace and love you have shown me and the ways you have allowed me to grow spiritually and relationally, I am forever grateful for all that I have learned and experienced here. I am saddened to end this article because it is a symbol of my time ending at MCA, but I couldn’t be more confident in the staff and students at MCA and the God that is always using people to make much of himself. Thank you for the past four years MCA, I am forever grateful.
Signing off for the last time, Editor in Chief, Lauren Rose.