Praising the Praise Band
The MCA Praise Band makes adjustments that change the Chapel experience.
Photo by: Kate Nordhaus
Junior guitarist, Marshall Stubbs, rehearsing for chapel with senior Cole Wilkinson and junior Trevor Clark.
September 10, 2020
Every Friday at chapel, Upper School students gather in the Student Life Center to participate in worship, led by the Praise Band. With COVID-19, things look a little different this year. McKinney Christian Academy concluded that chapel is safest when held virtually. That being said, the Praise Band did not hesitate to step up and make adjustments that would still provide students with the worship experience.
With chapel no longer being in person, Praise Band works throughout the week putting together a recording of the worship service in preparation for Friday. On Friday, students meet with their small groups where they can access the pre-recorded worship service and message by Pastor Trey. Band Director, Ken Snow, is extremely impressed with how the band is performing. Snow comments, “The band is phenomenal. They have a lot of musical talent that can just go as high as the sky.” The transition from moving chapel virtually has been a learning experience. Snow adds, “The biggest change is learning how to record in the Band Hall and video at the same time, and have a good quality product.” Despite the adjustments senior guitarist, Cole Wilkinson, joins Praise Band for his second year. According to Wilkinson, not only did Praise Band receive new members, senior Ava Grace Haggard and junior Maddie Clark, but they are also working on a new set list. Wilkinson shares a few difficulties the team encountered during the transition such as, “Trying to find a space to record, matching the audio with the recording, and making sure people can hear it.” Looking forward, MCA is planning to host an in-person chapel beginning Friday, September 4. Even with social distancing protocols still in place, the band is excited to be able to play to an audience and worship God as a whole once again.