Lady Mustangs Varsity Volleyball Sweeps Teams in District
Mustang Volleyball Wins Again
Photo by: Sarah Dahl
Senior Ava Grace Haggard going in for the kill against Brighter Horizons.
October 21, 2020
The Lady Mustangs Varsity Volleyball team played a home game on October 6 against Brighter Horizons Academy. COVID-19 protocols are still being followed during games such as limited amount of fans, masks when social distancing is not possible and online ticket reservations. MCA swept the Lady Stars winning 25-6, 25-11 and 25-10. Sophomore Daniela Morales led the team with 29 assists and Senior Micah McDowell also led the team with six digs.
On Thursday, October 8 the Varsity Volleyball team traveled to Tyler Grace Community in Tyler, Texas. The Mustangs won in three sets with scores of 25-10, 25-23, and 25-23. Senior Ava Grace Haggard led the Mustangs with 24 kills and three blocks. While senior Micah McDowell led the team with 12 digs and four aces.