MCA Welcomes in New Students for the New Year

The spring semester brings in nine new students.

2021 new students

Photo by: Emma Ashcraft

2021 new students

Angelina Li, staff writer

Nine new students have joined the student body of McKinney Christian Academy this semester. Second grader Filipe Cunha transferred from Press Elementary and in his free time he enjoys spending time with his friends. Siblings Liam Clark in second grade and Luke Clark in fifth grade both came from Veritas Academy. They both enjoy playing video games together. In Middle School, seventh grader Katherine Abouzeid transferred from Scoggins Middle School and participates in Taekwondo. In eighth grade, Tripp Barbour transferred from Cockrill Middle School and enjoys playing football. Barbour also plays the trombone in the MCA band . Siblings Jasmine Nordstrom in eighth grade and Tiffany Nordstrom in tenth grade have recently moved from California to Texas. Tiffany plans to continue swimming as a club sport in Texas and Jasmine loves to play sports. Preslea Wilson, a new addition to the Lady Mustangs varsity soccer team transferred from McKinney North High School and is excited to join MCA saying, “I’m excited for the new opportunities here at MCA, and I’m looking forward to meeting new people as well as growing in my faith.” Freshman Morrissey Smith is a returning student who left after eighth grade, but returned to MCA after a semester at Vines High School in Plano. MCA is happy to welcome these new students into the Mustang family.

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  • Liam Clark is an incoming second grader.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Filipe Cunha is an incoming second grader

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Luke Clark is an incoming fifth grader.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Katherine Abouzeid is an incoming seventh grader.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Tripp Barbour is an incoming eighth grader.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Jasmine Nordstrom is an incoming eighth grader.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Morrissey Smith is a returning freshman.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Tiffany Nordstrom is an incoming sophomore.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft
  • Preslea Wilson is an incoming sophomore.

    Photo by: Emma Ashcraft