MCA Inducts 44 New Members into NHS
The seniors received their stoles that they will be wearing at graduation
Photo by: courtesy photo
The seniors smile as they get their stoles.
May 11, 2021
NHS members and their families came to watch as the new members were inducted into the National Honor Society on Thursday, May 6th. Tara Ackmann is the advisor of NHS and opened the ceremony with a speech explaining the purpose of what the organization founded upon. Last years inductees also got recognized due to Covid canceling their scheduled ceremony. Their ceremony was held during a private ceremony at lunch in February. New inductees have a chance to get inducted when they have a 3.5 GPA average, teacher recommendations, demonstrate Christ-like character, acts of service and leadership. The students in this organization are called to be good examples to others and serve those around them. The main focus is on serving others as Jesus calls us to. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45. At the end of the ceremony, the senior class of 2021 received their soles that they will be wearing at graduation. Senior Nise Olawale, President of NHS, was asked what NHS taught her and her favorite part and Nise said, “My favorite part of NHS would have to be the relationships and bonds that I made with the other members in NHS, it was very difficult to plan many of our service events due to Covid, but I am very appreciative for how the other NHS members worked together. I am very grateful to have been their president this year.”