Senior Chapel for 2021 Graduates
Photo by: Liz Rabbia
The seniors being prayed over at senior chapel.
May 16, 2021
Last Friday, May 7 was McKinney Christian Academy’s annual senior chapel. This chapel gives the Upper School students and staff a chance to recognize and celebrate the seniors and their plans for the upcoming year. The chapel started off with a presentation of MCA seniors who have decided to further their athletic career in college. Those seniors were Maliq Brock, Peter Michael Clark, Ava Grace Haggard, and Jake Gerardis. Each player’s coach also gave a speech about their athlete. The jerseys of Brock and Haggard were also retired. The seniors on the praise band then performed for everyone for a final time. Next, those attending the chapel watched funny videos made by the seniors as well as a video of each senior stating where they will be attending. All of the seniors then lined up in front of the stage where the MCA student body, staff, and families prayed over the seniors and the futures ahead of them.