2021 Bingo Night

MCA held its annual Bingo night on the 13th

Photo by: courtesy photo

Reed Lannom, staff writer

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On Saturday, November 13th Mckinney Christian Academy held its annual Bingo Night in the Student Life Center. Bingo Night has been a tradition at MCA for over ten years now and is organized by the Development Office. Families competed in multiple rounds of bingo for a variety of prizes including silly puddy, small toy cars and nerf balls. After each game, winners came and claimed a prize and at the end of the event, everyone turned in their bingo tickets for a raffle to win the grand prize. This year, Middle School Principal David Etheredge, was the wheel spinner and called out the bingo numbers. Development Coordinator Connie Gibson said that she felt “This year’s bingo was a great success with lots of families having a good time, eating food, and playing bingo.” Overall, Bingo Night is a great way for families to spend quality time together and have fun.