Choir Receives Excellent Rating at ACSI Competetion
The Choir Competed at the ACSI Competition on the 16th.
Photo by: Catherine Pope
The Choir poses for a group picture
March 30, 2022

On Wednesday, March 16, the Upper and Middle School Choirs competed at the ACSI Choir Festival. The competition was held at Prestonwood Christian Academy where several other private schools attended. The Upper School choir performed two songs for the competition, one of these songs is “Keep Your Lamps”, which was also performed at the Fall Choir Concert. The other is “Kyrie Eleison.” When asked what were some things that could be worked on, Director Amy Jordan responded saying, “ Some of the things we need to work on as a choir is learning to listen to each other. It’s important to hear the other voice parts and blend as a unit. I would also like to see us grow in confidence as we sing. This will come as we continue to work together.” The choir finished with an “Excellent” overall rating scoring a 2 with the highest rating being a 1.