The First Pep Rally of the 2022-2023 School Year

MCA students and staff kickoff the fall sports seasons with an all school pep rally.

The Varsity cheerleaders and students finishing the pep rally with the fight song.

Audrey Wedemeyer, staff writer

This past Friday, September 2, the whole school came together for the first pep rally of the 2022-2023 school year, celebrating the kickoff of all the fall sports. As the students entered, everyone was handed a glow stick to wear throughout the day. Seniors Emilio Sanchez and Brooke Jensen led the pep rally and got the students excited. To kick it off, the Varsity and Middle School Cheerleaders performed their routine. Varsity Cheer Captain, sophomore Libby Davenport said, “Our goal for pep rallies this year was to make make them more fun and enjoyable, and this pep rally was definitely that. I can’t wait to show the student body what else we have planned.” Following the cheerleaders, the Middle School band played a song followed by a game of tug ‘o war that the seniors ultimately won. Throughout the pep rally, the cheerleaders threw out bracelets and shirts to the students. The students and staff ended the pep rally singing the fight song all together.

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  • MCA Varsity and Middle School Cheerleaders perform their pyramid at the end of the routine.

  • Seniors defeat juniors in a game of tug ‘o war.

  • Cheerleaders get into their starting positions to begin their routine.

  • Seniors Emilio Sanchez and Brooke Jensen welcome in students as they file in the stands.