Five Day Mission Trip to Arkansas
Missions week in Little, Rock Arkansas.
Photo by: (Photo by: Laura Smith)
Senior Josie Allen with the little kids in Arkansas.
March 22, 2023
On Monday, February 27, some of McKinney Christian Academy’s Upper School students traveled to Arkansas to serve in the Little Rock, Arkansas area. The students that attended the Arkansas mission started their mornings at the CityServe Warehouse. At this time they unpacked different boxes and organized the donations to give to local churches in the area. Later in the day, students would spend time with kids at the Arkansas Dream Center. The ADC is place where less fortunate kids can hang out, play sports and eat a hot meal. Not only did students get the chance to love on the kids, but also spread the gospel with them. Senior Josie Allen adds,”I had so much fun in the activates we did. I also liked talking to the people who lived in the apartments that we helped.” MCA plans to keep the Arkansas mission trip available to students in the years to come.