Arkansas Dream Center Fifth Grade Kids Come to Dallas

Arkansas Dream Center sends seventeen people to the MCA to stay the night and experience Texas attractions

Photo by: courtesy photo

The Arkansas Dream Center kids pose for a picture and the Perot Museum

Genevieve Breton, staff writer

On Wednesday, March 23, The Arkansas Dream Center was able to send eleven fifth graders and six leaders to McKinney Christian Academy. The fifth graders stayed the night at MCA and went to a Dallas Mavericks game on Wednesday night. The ADC fifth graders were greeted in the morning by the Upper School students that they met on the Arkansas mission trip and then they set out to have a day in Dallas. While in Dallas, the kids went to the Perot Museum and The Heard Natural Science Museum. Senior Marisol Sanchez said “There are no words to describe how incredible the Arkansas trip was. What amazed me the most was the consideration and flexibility to serve children, parents, and staff. I learned that everyone should constantly be reminded how loved and valued everyone is.”

Some of the Arkansas kids pose for a picture in front of the Heard Museum (Photo by: courtesy photo)
ACD kids at the Dallas Mavericks game. (Photo by: courtesy photo)
The Arkansas Dream Center gets featured on the big screen at the Dallas Mavericks game.(Photo by: courtesy photo)