MCA Art and Theatre Heads to TAPPS All-State Competition
MCA’s Fine Arts compete in TAPPs All-State Competition
Photo by: Julie Tucker
Junior Sierra Pitts and Senior Leigh Evan Kitzmiller hole up the “W” after winning first place
April 20, 2023
McKinney Christian Academy’s Art and Theatre programs went to TAPPS All-State competition on Thursday April 13. In the Art category, several students placed first including freshman Anna Holm in Black and White, junior Sky Miller in fashion design, sophomore Destiny Margraves in Seek and Sketch Black and White and senior Angelina Li in Paintings. Li placed best overall in 4A with her combined placings of her artwork. In the Theatre category, MCA Theatre placed 3rd overall in State. In the individual categories quite a few students had podium performances with senior Gabby Gordon placing second in poetry and third solo acting and junior Sierra Pitts and senior Leigh Evan Kitzmiller placing first in the duet acting. Theatre Director Julie Tucker adds, ” I am thrilled with the results of our students this year. After pulling off a successful Wizard of Oz production, the students went right to work to create stand-out TAPPS competition performances. We have a lot to be proud of in our Mustang Theatre Department.”