30th Anniversary of Boots and Pearls Auction

MCA celebrates Boots and Pearls Auction and their 30th anniversary.

2007 alumni Adrian Johnston and her band perform for the auction.

Jadyn Chastain, staff writer

On Saturday, April 15, McKinney Christian Academy had their annual Boots and Pearls Auction at Local Yocal Barbecue and Grill. The auction had a wide array of events that occurred throughout the day. There was both a live and silent auction and the funds were raised for MCA’s campus security as well as equipment for STEM classes. There was also a flag race held to see which college flag would be hung on campus. The winning flag was Texas Christian University. Later in the auction, Dr. Rick Rigsby spoke on the importance of Christian education and a quality foundation for children. Also featured was 2007 alumni Adrian Johnston whose band sang for the audience. By the end of the auction, over 250 people attended the auction and a total of $190,000 was raised. “Overall the event was a great success thanks to our committee who worked all year and our wonderful families and staff who came out to support,” said Connie Gibson, “God has guided this event for 30 years and we look forward to more years with his guidance and blessing.”

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  • The Boots and Pearls Auction raises money for all kinds of school needs.

  • MCA Dads get together to take a picture at the Boots and Pearls Auction.

    Photo by: courtesy photo
  • MCA Moms pose for a photo at the Boots and Pearls Auction.

    Photo by: courtesy photo
  • MCA parents snap some photos in the photo booth.

    Photo by: courtesy photo