During the week of October 16, the Middle School had their first annual Amplify week. Throughout the week, the Middle School would be doing community service and playing games. On Monday, they had a color day. All the grades got mixed into four different houses, and each house had a color. The colors were red, yellow, green, and blue, and the house names were Chara, Gratia, Phileo, and Veritas. They brought 945 pairs of socks for Streetside Showers. The game for Monday was a giant saran wrap ball with five jolly ranchers inside, and the first team to get all the jolly ranchers wins. On Tuesday, they had jersey day where students got to where the jersey of their favorite player. They collect snack for the McKinney Little Free Pantry. On Wednesday, students got to wear wacky clothing for a Wacky Wednesday. On this day, they made cards for hospitalized kids, and they will be distributed throughout all 50 states. The game was Post-It-Face, and whoever had the most post-its on their face after a minute won. On Thursday, they got to wear patriotic clothing, or red white and blue. On Thursday, they wrote Alumni Servicemen Cards. Each first period class was assigned an MCA alumni who is in the military. In the game this day, they threw Cheetos onto shaving cream beards. On Friday, they got to wear spirit wear. They also had Middle School Night at the Varsity Football game. Then to close out the week, on Saturday October 21, they had a Skate Party. Eighth grader Isabella Melton said, “It was a week that was different from all the other years, but it was still fun.”
Amplify Week in Middle School
Middle School Dresses up for the Week
Bailey Gerardis, staff writer
October 24, 2023
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Bailey Gerardis, staff writer
Hi, I'm Bailey and I'm a freshman. I have been attending MCA since 3rd grade. I enjoy playing volleyball, being with friends, and being with family. This is my first year in newspaper and I'm very excited. My favorite MCA memory is going to the championship for D1 in 8th grade and having an undefeated season. My favorite bible verse is Psalms 27:19.
"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."