MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

TPSMEA Middle School Honor Band

MCA student performs with TPSMEA
Photo by: courtesy photo
Students performing with TPSMEA Middle School Honor Band

On February 16 and 17, seventh grader, Silas Urban went to the Greenhill School Marshall Family Performing Arts Center. Urban and 60 other private school band students had previously won spots in the TPSMEA Middle School Honor Band, getting a chance to perform with the band at concert. The group rehearsed for over 12 hours during the period of two days, conducted by David Puckett, director of the Keller Middle School Band. Urban had previously made the first chair clarinet in February, “Performing makes me nervous but it’s easy at the same time. I am planning on joining the high school band next year for more of a challenge,” Urban said.

Silas Urban after performing with TPSMEA Middle School Honor Band.
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About the Contributor
Bella Moore
Bella Moore, staff writer
Bella Moore is a Freshman who just started attending MCA. She is excited to start helping and to work on The Mane Edition. She loves being involved and meeting new people. In her free time, Moore enjoys reading, writing and anything creative. She attends Providence Church which she has been attending for the past 10 years and is actively involved in her youth group. Her favorite bible verse is John 15:19  “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”