On Tuesday, April 30, the McKinney Christian Academy 3rd graders hosted the 1st graders for Space Day. The 1st and 3rd graders each matched with their buddies from chapel. There were four different stations for the buddies to travel to. The first station was crafting wooden rockets that they decorated. For the second station, each 3rd grader created a power point about the solar system and then presented these slides to their 1st grade buddy. The third station was on the circle, where the 1st grader was in a wagon while the 3rd grader pulled them around the sun. This activity is to show how the planets orbit around the sun. The final station was on the field, where there were stomp rockets and crafts to make straw rockets. After making the straw rockets, they would launch them to see how far they would go. Space day also included a lot of fun things such as Space Dunk Oreos for a snack, Dippin’ Dots, and Mrs. Boese launched a real rocket at the final station. They also had a Photo Booth that made the kids look as if they were in space. 3rd grade teacher Angela Williams said, “It was very cool to watch the rocket Mrs. Boese launched. We got to watch it fly up and land which was fun.”
3rd Grade Space Day
The 3rd and 1st graders have Space Day with lots of fun activities.
Bailey Gerardis, staff writer
May 1, 2024
Photo by: Jude Bleecker
1st grader Emma Vinciguerra jumps on the stomp rocket.
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About the Contributors

Bailey Gerardis, staff writer
Hi, I’m Bailey and I’m a freshman. I have been attending MCA since 3rd grade. I enjoy playing volleyball, being with friends, and being with family. This is my first year in newspaper and I’m very excited. My favorite MCA memory is going to the championship for D1 in 8th grade and having an undefeated season. My favorite bible verse is Psalms 27:19.
“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.”

Jude Bleecker, Photographer
Jude Bleecker is a sophomore and has been at MCA for 3 years. He is looking forward to this years football season and excited to play and win. He is also involved in basketball and golf and super excited to get into those sports. This is his second year in newspaper and is ready to get started! He loves spending time with my family and friends and love watching sports. Bleecker loves to travel and be with family.
His favorite bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.