MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA School News written by the Newspaper Class.

The Mane Edition

MCA Art Showcase

MCA Students Show their Work at the Art Show
Photo by: Makennah Vann
Kyla Chastains art exhibit (Photo by: Makennah Vann)
Junior Saler Wood showing off her art exhibit (Photo by: Makennah Vann)
Senior Lauren Etheredge standing in front of her art exhibit. (Photo by: Makennah Vann)

On Monday, May 6, McKinney Christian Academy had the art showcase. Art from all classes at MCA were shown and produced, a range of self portraits to 3d art. The show produced a lot of visitors and guests. Part of the showcase included the guests voting for their favorite pieces between middle and upper school. Senior Portfolio student Emily Snyder won for her piece ‘Red Rope of Fate’ and eighth grader Molly Walsh won the middle school choice award. “We are so excited to be able to exhibit the growth and successes of all of our students! It was so fun to see everyone enjoying and discussing the artwork and mingling with students, staff, parents, and friends!” said Ashley Bruegel, the upper school art teacher. 

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About the Contributors
Bella Moore
Bella Moore, staff writer
Bella Moore is a Freshman who just started attending MCA. She is excited to start helping and to work on The Mane Edition. She loves being involved and meeting new people. In her free time, Moore enjoys reading, writing and anything creative. She attends Providence Church which she has been attending for the past 10 years and is actively involved in her youth group. Her favorite bible verse is John 15:19  “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”
Makennah Vann
Makennah Vann, staff writer
Makennah Vann is a sophomore attending MCA for the second year. This is her second year in newspaper. She loves to play volleyball at school and on her club team. In her free time, Vann enjoys spending time with friends and family. She attends Citizens Church and is actively involved in the youth program. Her favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”