On Friday, September 6, the McKinney Christian Academy Upper and Middle School kicked off a new chapel series called the Founder’s series. Benjamin Schettler, Founder of The Center for Truth in Love from Pensacola, Florida, was the first speaker for this series. He has created a television show and a podcast and speaks God’s Truth nationwide to various Churches and schools. He started the sermon by asking the students, “Is the Bible true?” Throughout his sermon, he gave multitudes of evidence supporting the statement, “The Bible is true.” This was helpful to the students in understanding how to prove to others why they believe what they believe. Senior Destiny Margraves said, “I liked that he gave us tons of proof about why the Bible is true. It will help me be able to equip my friends with the Biblical truth.” When asked how he balances cultural engagement and Biblical truth, he explained, “Speaking the truth is an act of love, and by speaking the truth, we are helping.” Lastly, he left young Christians in leadership and ministry with two pieces of advice to live daily by. The first piece of advice is to “Be faithful in the small things, every day.” This will prepare them for the harder things because they have been practicing and strengthening their faith daily. The second piece of advice is to “Really equip yourself to know how to answer some of these difficult questions.” He explained that they would be put in challenging situations and be asked hard questions. So, they should be prepared and always ready to answer them.
The next Founder’s Series chapel will be December 4, with Kassy Cooper from Now Not Later ministries.