Coach of the Week: Chris Jamison
This Weeks Coach of the Week is Cross Country coach, Chris Jamison

Photo by: Alyson Lee
Coach Jamison holds up the trophies from the boys and girls varsity race at Sadler.
October 24, 2017
Chris Jamison has been coaching cross country for seven years, six have been at MCA. When asked why he coaches he stated, “There are a few men who believed in me during my high school years and I strongly believe their efforts changed the course of my life. I hope to inspire, encourage, and help students reach their full potential of their God given gifts both on and off the field, to ultimately give Him glory in the same way others did for me.” Jamison’s favorite verse is, Psalms 119:32 “I run in the Path of your commands, for you have set my heart free”. Sophomore, Grant Bailey says, “Coach Jamison is a great coach and a friend. He has been there for me inside and outside cross country.” The cross country has overall done well this season and is preparing for state. Coach says, “The team has worked their tails off this season. Every practice and meet has brought different challenges. Challenges that our runner’s tackle head on both individually and as a team. Coach McKeller and I are confident we will finish in the top three in the Girls and Boys divisions, and we have the caliber teams to finish 1st.”