Love Christ, Love People Internationally.
Photo by: Kate Witte
Junior Riley Pyle shows off those pearly whites as he squeezes his best buddy.
March 27, 2018
McKinney Christian Academy sent a missions team to the village of El Zapote on their annual mission trip to Guatemala. On Sunday March 4, the day after the students arrived, the students worshipped at the local church and listened to a beautiful message by local Pastor Morari. After the church service, the students went on a prayer walk throughout the beautiful, historic city of Antigua.
Monday through Wednesday mornings were spent building homes for impoverished families of the village; the afternoons were spent serving the students through, playing a series of games, gospel presentation and testimonies, getting to know each other and a favorite treat: eating ice cream.
As Matthew 28:18-20 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Senior, Judson Williams, said, “The coolest part of the trip was probably getting to know the local kids and seeing how similar they were to us.” Throughout the trip many of the students shared their inspirational testimonies that touched the hearts of both their fellow students and the young villagers. Junior, Riley Pyle, commented, “It was really cool hearing some of my classmates testimonies. I feel as if we bonded as one team by the end of the trip.” The Guatemala mission team truly embodied the servant heart God calls us to have in our lives.
To view a quick video of the trip, see the link below.