NHS Inductee Ceremony
38 New NHS students were inducted at chapel on April 18
Photo by: Kristi Grubbs
NHS former and new inductees pose for a picture after the NHS Induction ceremony.
May 2, 2018
During Chapel on Wednesday April, 18 the incoming NHS inductees were inducted to the McKinney Christian Academy chapter. There were a total of 38 students inducted, and there are 55 current members. At the ceremony, the current and new NHS students were recognized for their exemplification of the four pillars: service, leadership, scholarship, and character. NHS students were required to submit an application, and their candidacy was reviewed by the faculty council and the NHS adviser. “Being in NHS will help encourage me to give back to the community serve others around me,” sophomore Taylor Robison said. As the students’ names were called they would sign the book, and receive a certificate. All the seniors were awarded their golden stole that they will probably wear at graduation. After the ceremony, there was a celebration with cake and punch.