Senior Spots 2019
Photo by: Madeline Bohlman
Senior Madeline Bohlman and her sister, who helped design her space, posing on her parking spot.
August 17, 2019
This is the second year that MCA seniors have had the freedom to create colorful designs on their parking spots. This is one of the perks of being a senior, and an outlet for the class of 2020 to express themselves through personalizing their own parking spot. The seniors had two designated times to paint their parking spots during the summer: June 30th-July 7th and July 21st-July 28th. Upper School Principal, Laura Smith, advised the senior students to paint after 4 p.m. to avoid the summer heat. Painting for hours in the summer heat had its downsides, but it had an advantage as well: the heat helped to bake the paint, causing it to dry faster.
Once finished, the seniors were able to rest from the heat and the students, faculty, and parents were able to drive by and see the class of 2020’s artwork. Senior Waverly Frisbie commented, “My experience was honestly pretty tough and time consuming. But it ended up being better when I was able to spend time with my mom and my sister, who helped me the whole time. It was such a cool experience being able to paint my senior parking spot.” Along with Wave, her classmate Meredith Pogue said, “As far as my experience goes, it was very hot outside and it took me about four days to actually get the spot completely painted. The process wasn’t very fun, the sprinklers went off and we had to try and put buckets over the sprinkler heads so the wet paint wouldn’t run.” Even though the seniors spent several tough days in the heat painting their parking spots, they worked hard and were able to make the parking lot a little more colorful.

Senior Caleb Bryant’s Arizona Green Tea inspired parking spot.

Senior Waverly Frisbie’s posing on her parking spot.

Senior Meredith Pogue’s posing on her parking spot.